In the toughest and the dullest of times, the Olympic spirit still manages to thrive.

In New York City, USA, Mr. Nick Goddard had just received the boot.

But, he took it all in his stride, kept a smile on his face, and decided the world, or at least New York, was ready for …

The Unemployment Olympic Games!

photo credit: A Cup of Jo

It was a fantastic idea that brought the “down and out” living in the city together for some fun, and helped bring some humour and lightness to a gloomy predicament.

Meanwhile, halfway across the world in Singapore, the people at the Singapore Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee, stressed out at work, decided to hold our very own Office Olympic Games!

Teams were formed from the different work divisions and competed against each other in various workplace sports, such as

  • The Office-chair Race 
  • Wastepaper-basket Hurdles
  • Office-chair Synchronised “Swimming” Routines

*Video footage of the Office Olympic Games will be up shortly.