July 2008

Hi All! It’s me again! Haha.. Anws, I kind of had the same thoughts as Alethia..BUT, one thing I didn’t know, that Dr Vivian Balakrishnan and Mr Teo Ser Luck would be coming! Haha..was pretty cool, cause I don’t think I’ve ever seen a minister so up close before. (the perks of interning here!:p ) Haha..

Anws! So today was the launch of the YOG Logo Design! Which is something that I’m looking fwd to seeing what the entries would be. Thought it was a great idea to hold a competition because that means that everyone in Singapore gets a chance to be a part of it. That way the YOG Logo won’t be solely just something that the YOG committee came up with, but really something that people not within the YOG can say that they had a part in it:) So people! do send in your entries soon! Can u imagine how cool it would be if YOUR logo became THE YOG Logo?! So cool!!haha..

Haha..Alethia’s post is much more interesting than mine cause she had the camera!!So she has all the photos..haha..so mine is just my experience of it. 🙂

Hopefully I will be writing again soon!:D

Link to youtube video.

Hello to all reading this!! I’m Alethia. I’m an intern at SYOGOC too! Some of the youths at the Youth Creative Retreat would have probably seen me but don’t know my name. I’m the one who was at the registration counter. I’ve been here since May 12 but I’m leaving end of this month to go back to school, so… you won’t be hearing much of me. =(

But before I leave, I will post my first (hopefully not my last YET) entry. I leave my mark. Heh.

Anyway, we had the YOG Logo Design competition launch today! Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports, and Mr Teo Ser Luck, Senior Parliament Secretary, came today to grace the event! So cool right? We had important people here today. So of course, the media came, together with the police. I came to work today and there were a few policemen. And there were SO MANY CARS!

Look who came!

Look who came!

Our SYOGOC Chairman, Mr Ng Ser Miang and Dr Balakrishnan gave their speeches about the logo design.  And okay…  most of us think they’d give boring, long, droning speeches. But they didn’t. It was short and really inspiring.




This is Yogi bare. I have no idea why he calls himself that. If you have been reading the comments on this blog, you would have spotted him=). He creatively transformed a file into a party hat. Wow it fits his head so well, although it is a bad attempt to make himself look cool and funky. Well, this is just one of those things that you do when you are too bored or too stressed up at work. Oh by the way, have I mentioned that he is our head of new media? Oops.

“Leh-long leh-long! 3 for $10. Come ah everything cheap cheap.”

Uhh no, that wasn’t what I heard.

I happened to spot a crowd by the huge desk.

I can't make up my mind...

I can't make up my mind...

Ah! So the entire office was supposed to look at the YOG badge designs and vote 3 which they think are the best.

Spoilt for choice

Spoilt for choice

Which are yours?


Soon okay, just watch out for it. You could check our blog regularly for more juicy updates.


Hi let me introduce our two new bloggers who have marked their presence with two spanking new, informative entries. (see below)

Lysa is a cute dimpled girl who has a sweet voice. She is studying in NUS and she will be leaving us soon:(

Eugene is a tall man who likes hobbits. Haha, kidding. But he does like the Lord of the Rings.

So while we should be expecting more entries from our new bloggers, we are also looking for more people from SYOGOC to join this wonderful blogging group. Find the new media dudes and we will be glad to add you as an author!

This Sept, we’re going to write to all 204 National Olympic Committees (NOCs), asking them to participate in the School-NOC Twinning Programme. You’re probably wondering what that’s about. Well, basically, we’re going to match EVERY school in Singapore with a NOC for the next 2 years.

So, students will get a chance to learn about the country that they have been paired with. All the different aspects of the country, such as the people, history, traditions, food too! Haha… Of course there could be exchange programmes between the twinned schools, so even before the YOG begins, students would have made friends with people from that country. Interesting huh? 🙂

But, we’re sort of stuck… you see, the name “Twinning Programme” could sound pretty… well… confusing… and a little boring don’t you think? Haha…:p

Initially, it was called the “Twinning Programme” because the idea was that through learning, interacting and making friends, students would begin to better understand the country they were matched with, and in time, feel for, empathize and even identify with that country. And by Games-time, they would be avid supporters of the athletes from that country.

Good idea… boring name…


Hi..I’m lysa, currently interning with SYOGOC right now:). Been quite exciting and fun working here.

Currently working on the Virtual Olympic Congress (VOC). It’s pretty interesting trying to do an essay, on one hand it’s almost like going back to school again, cause we have to research and stuff..BUT, it’s a good chance to learn more about the Olympic Games!

I found a lot of interesting things that I NEVER knew about the Olympics!haha..for eg..in the past, athletes that competed were NOT allowed to be professionals, ie no formal training and not paid. (One guy  – Jim Thorpe had his medals taken away cause he played baseball semi-professionally..his medals were given back almost only 70 years later!and of course by then he had already passed away) Amazing since now people who compete in the Olympics are really the best of the best and I would consider them the real professionals! haha:)

Anws, this Congress is basically the first time in history that has been opened up to the public, where we can write our views and share opinions on how we can better improve the Olympic Games:).  There are 5 themes to choose from, so I’m working on the theme of Olympism and Youth (the most apt of course since we are planning and hosting the YOG 😀 ).

It’s quite cool cause if my article gets chosen, I win an all expenses paid trip to Copenhagen! (sponsored by IOC) Haha..so anyone else interested to get a free trip..do sign up and write away! It’s only 1000 words, so shouldn’t be a great problem for all you out there I’m sure:)

I was playing at a basketball court yesterday and I was talking to one of the younger boys there. He is 16 years old and he used a word I have never heard before in my life.

“That player is so noob!”

Noob? Alien-speak? (I keep using the word aliens…cos I like aliens)

“What’s that?”

“Noob? It’s a newbie that is lousy.”

Ah….noob. Youth slang is ever changing… and ever alien. 🙂


I’m back from the quick visit to the Singapore HeritageFest held at Suntec City Tropics Atrium with some of my colleagues during lunch break just now. Basically the Singapore HeriatgeFest 2008 is a 12-day (12-27 July) celebration of HEROES! Everyone of us of has heroes, be it your parents, peers, teachers, doctors, nurses, soldiers, athletes, etc. IT CAN BE ANYONE!

Let some of the pictures to do the talking.

Saving the day

Saving the day


You’d think the Olympics was only a time of glory and smiles. But the recent series “Olympic Controversies” in the Straits Times Home section highlights otherwise.

The personal accounts of athletes from decades ago showed the power of the Olympics in more ways than one.

In 1968, John Carlos and Tommie Smith were two Afro-American medalists who displayed a memorable act of silent protest on the winners’ podium. They wanted to stand up against racial discrimination that was still prevalent in America.


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